Shipping and Delivery
Product availability is almost always indicated on the product detail page but may not be up to date. It is therefore advisable to contact us to know the state of stock or any time of refueling.
Different payment and delivery methods may change the shipping time. For example, types of deferred payment, such as bank transfer, may vary the date of shipment. In these cases, the order will be processed upon receipt of confirmation of credit in the bank.
The date indicated can still be changed for better or worse for organizational and logistical reasons.
Delivery method
When does the courier arrive? I was not at home and I could not pick up the package, how do I do now?
Man.El. Service srl allows you to choose the delivery method you prefer and that best meets your needs:
- Pick up at our headquarters
The most reliable, fastest and most economical solution. We will notify you when your order is ready for collection.
From that moment you will have 5 working days to go with comfort to our headquarters in Via Carlo Pittara, 46, 10151 Torino, TO.
- Express Courier
The fastest way to deliver to your home: 4/5 working days, except in difficult locations, since the courier picks up the goods from our warehouse.
Shipping cost
The cost of transport is determined primarily on the basis of the weight/volume of the products purchased. It may vary by selecting additional services, such as floor delivery, installation, rescheduled delivery or pick-up at our location. The cost details will always be updated in your shopping cart as you make your choices.
Receipt of your purchases
Some small tips for receiving the goods:
Check that the number of packages delivered corresponds to that indicated in the transport document
Check that the packaging is intact and not altered even in the closing strips.
If possible, unpack the product immediately and check for damage.
Then send us a report immediately to the email address with reference to the order number, which you can find in the confirmation email received during the purchase.
The report must be received within 7 (seven) days of receipt of goods in the manner provided by the operator chosen for shipping and / or delivery and / or by the operator.