Engine: Yanmar L70-E
Displacement: 320 cc
Power: 4.8 KW
Engine speed: 3600 rpm
Fuel feed: Diesel
Emissions regulation: Stage V
Starting: Electric
Transmission: Hydrostatic
Forward speed: 1 Speed 2,5 Km/h
Hydraulic motors type: Orbital
Hydraulic motors displacement: 200cc
Hydraulic pump type: Double gear
Displacement: Fixed
Maximum pressure: 180 bar
Working pressure: 150 bar
Pump capacity: 4,2+4,2 cc/rpm
Safety system: Lockout valves
Hydraulic oil tank: 14 l
Dumper volume: 0.21 m3
Tipping: Hydraulic
Maximum slope allowed: 20%
Flat load capacity: 500 kg
Slope load capacity: 350 kg
Rubber tracks (mm) : 180 x 60 x 38
Width: 1478 mm
Depth: 835 mm
Height: 1250 mm
Net weight: 380 kg
MCH MINIDUMPER H500C L70-E is a power carries equipped with Yanmar L70-E STAGE V electric start engine with Diesel power, with a load capacity of up to 500Kg.
The MCH MINIDUMPER H500CL70-E power carries your work easier, make transporting heavy materials easier and safer. In addition, in reducing accidents at work, they also take away a weight from you.
MCH MINIDUMPER H500CL70-E is designed for the most demanding professionals, are equipped with a deep tipper, ideal for transporting materials (rubble, sand, stones, bricks, concrete, wood...). The power carries has a hydrostatic tipping function, which makes your work easier, allowing you to unload up to 500 kg with the simple action of the control lever.
Thanks to the Yanmar L70-E STAGE V diesel engine, you can enjoy incredible performance with low fuel consumption, so you can take full advantage of the MCH MINIDUMPER H500C L70-E tracked forklift.
The MCH MINIDUMPER H500CL70-E is equipped with a self-loading shovel, with which you can load and move, without any effort, materials of various kinds, in the construction and agricultural fields. The hydraulic self-loading shovel makes your work easier, make the transportation of heavy materials easier and safer, moreover, in reducing the possibility of accidents at work.
Engine: Yanmar L70-E
Displacement: 320 cc
Power: 4.8 KW
Engine speed: 3600 rpm
Fuel feed: Diesel
Emissions regulation: Stage V
Starting: Electric
Transmission: Hydrostatic
Forward speed: 1 Speed 2,5 Km/h
Hydraulic motors type: Orbital
Hydraulic motors displacement: 200cc
Hydraulic pump type: Double gear
Displacement: Fixed
Maximum pressure: 180 bar
Working pressure: 150 bar
Pump capacity: 4,2+4,2 cc/rpm
Safety system: Lockout valves
Hydraulic oil tank: 14 l
Dumper volume: 0.21 m3
Tipping: Hydraulic
Maximum slope allowed: 20%
Flat load capacity: 500 kg
Slope load capacity: 350 kg
Rubber tracks (mm) : 180 x 60 x 38
Width: 1478 mm
Depth: 835 mm
Height: 1250 mm
Net weight: 380 kg
Are you looking for a crawler with different technical characteristics? Here you can find the full range of power carries from MCH or other specialized brands.
Images and technical data are not binding and may be subject to revisions by the manufacturer.
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