Phase type: Single-phase / Three-phase
Maximum single-phase power: 4 KVA / 3.2 KW
Maximum three-phase power: 7.5 KVA / 6 KW
VAC voltage: 230 / 400 V
Frequency (Hz): 50
Starting sequence: Manual with self-winding
Engine: Honda GX 390 OHV
Emissions regulation: Non-emissioned
RPM: 3000
Power supply: Gasoline
Fuel tank capacity: 6.1 l
Consumption @ 75 % load: 3.3 l/h
Autonomy @ 75 % load: 1.84 h
Sound pressure: 97 dB(A)
Length: 770 mm
Width: 480 mm
Height: 625 mm
Net weight: 80 Kg
The generator GENSET MG 7/5 I-HE singlephase/three-hase is equipped with a gasoline engine capable of delivering 7,5 KVA with optional AVR voltage regulator.
The GENSET MG 7/5 I-HE threephase generator provides reliable power for home, work and recreation environments Safely powering appliances and other electronic devices solution for outdoor parties.
GENSET MG 7/5 I-HE has an all-steel construction and a large metal tank with fill indicator. The generator guarantees an efficient and silent operation thanks to the Honda OHV engine that allows to deliver a maximum power of 7.5 KVA.
The whole range of GENSET MG 7/5 I-HE is equipped with the latest generation of electric motors.
The entire GENSET MG 7/5 I-HE range has passed different tests for each component of which the groups are composed and the final product itself to give the best possible reliability to the user.
The strengths of the threephase generator 7.5 KVA are: the high quality of components, lightness, compactness, portability and ease of use and also modern design. The 7.5 KVA threephase generator is equipped with a manual rope starter.
The purpose of the AVR, in a power generator, is to maintain stable output. And if its operation is very simple when resistive loads are fed, more complex is the matter in case of mainly inductive loads: the delayed current opposes the inductor magnetic field, causing a voltage drop at the alternator terminals; to compensate the phenomenon, the AVR intervenes automatically increasing the excitation current, until the output returns to the nominal value. If the load is capacitive, the current magnetizes the inductor causing an increase in the voltage, and the AVR intervenes by reducing the excitation current
Phase type: Singlephase / Threephase
Maximum singlephase Output: 4 KVA / 3.2 KW
Maximum threephase Output: 7.5 KVA / 6 KW
VAC voltage: 230 / 400 V
Frequency (Hz): 50
Starting sequence: Manual with self-winding
Engine: Honda GX 390 OHV
Emissions regulation: Non-emissioned
RPM: 3000
Supply: Gasoline
Fuel tank capacity: 6.1 l
Consumption @ 75 % load: 3.3 l/h
Autonomy @ 75 % load: 1.84 h
Sound pressure: 97 dB(A)
Length: 770 mm
Width: 480 mm
Height: 625 mm
Net weight: 80 Kg
Looking for a generator with different characteristics? Here you can find the full range of GENSET generators or other specialized brands
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