Net Power (kW): 7.4
Net Power (Hp): 10
Displacement: 222 cm³
Shaft length: Long
Dry weight (Kg): 44.5
Starter: Manual
Ignition system: Electronic PGM-IG
Control type: Bar
Setup and engine lifting: Manual 5 positions
Transom height (mm): 561
Length (mm): 610
Width (mm): 345
Height (mm): 1235
Bore x stroke: 58 x 42 mm
Engine Brand: Honda
Engine Type: OHV, 4 stroke
Number of cylinders: 2
Speed at full throttle (rpm): 4500-5500
Cooling system: Water
Battery charge capacity (A): 6
Honda BF10DK2 LHU outboard engine are lightweight, compact and feature a retractable handle by which they are easily transportable. They are perfect for inflatable boats, dinghies and skiffs, and can even be used as booster engines for large fishing boats and sailboats.
These 4-stroke Honda engines are easy to use thanks also to the programmed ignition (PGM-IG) that during starting, even when cold, always guarantees a prompt response. Engines equipped with electric start need to keep the battery in good condition at all times. And if you have electric instrumentation on board, the powerful coil keeps the charge always at a high level and allows you to keep everything running, even at high speed.
Honda BF10DK2 LHU features a decompression system that makes starting easy. This makes the engine easier to start in the initial pull with manual start while overloading the battery much less in the case of electric start.
During forward travel, the propeller of the Honda BF10DK2 LHU is driven normally through the water, as with all marine engines. In the reverse direction, however, Honda engines make a difference. On other outboards, in fact, the propeller turns by discharging bubbles but does not "grip" the water. In contrast, this unique reverse-discharge system directs the bubbles out of the propeller so it can "grip" the water. The result is immediate response and very precise control.
The lightweight engine easily rises in stages. Moving up or down allows you to choose the optimum trim for your boat and get the most out of it in terms of performance and fuel economy. This also prevents damage to the propeller blades when the boat is near rocks or shallow water.
Honda BF10DK2 LHU outboards have a reverse lever that allows you to change gears with your fingertips. Everything is much easier to use and better positioned than other outboards even for left-handed people. Plus, the soft-grip, twist-lock throttle knob minimizes operating effort, increasing handling. You can accelerate and slow down as needed to navigate (B) or keep the control locked (A) as cruise control.
Honda BF10DK2 LHUs feature built-in retractable handles, positioned exactly at the balance point to make them really easy to carry and give them a sleek look even while in transit.
Honda BF10DK2 LHU outboards are used by rangers to take their small boats out on the lake to do their bird counts in the early morning hours; therefore, they not only need to be clean, but also quiet.
Net Power (kW): 7.4
Net Power (Hp): 10
Displacement: 222 cm³
Shaft length: Long
Dry weight (Kg): 44.5
Starter: Manual
Ignition system: Electronic PGM-IG
Control type: Bar
Setup and engine lifting: Manual 5 positions
Transom height (mm): 561
Length (mm): 610
Width (mm): 345
Height (mm): 1235
Bore x stroke: 58 x 42 mm
Engine Brand: Honda
Engine Type: OHV, 4 stroke
Number of cylinders: 2
Speed at full throttle (rpm): 4500-5500
Cooling system: Water
Battery charge capacity (A): 6
Are you looking for an outboard with different technical characteristics? Here you can find the entire Honda range or other brands specializing in the field.
Images are indicative only.