Net Power (kW): 11.2
Net Power (Hp): 15
Displacement: 350 cm³
Shaft length: Long
Dry weight (Kg): 46.5
Starter: Electric / Manual
Ignition system: Electronic PGM-IG
Control type: Bar
Setup and engine lifting:Manual / Manual 5 positions
Transom height (mm): 433
Length (mm): 650
Width (mm): 350
Height (mm): 1110
Bore x stroke: 59 x 64 mm
Engine Brand: Honda
Engine Type: OHV, 4 stroke
Number of cylinders: 2
Speed at full throttle (rpm): 4500-5500
Cooling system: Water
Battery charge capacity (A): 6
HONDA BF15DK2 SHU 15 or 20 horsepower outboards engine that are incredibly practical and portable, featuring well-placed retractable handles. They are perfect for any boat that needs power in a small size.
The 4-stroke engine stays quiet both when starting and when increasing its power; they're so quiet you can take them to their full power without having to raise your voice to speak. Honda's exclusive vibration-absorbing rubber mounting system gives a great impression of smoothness.
These Honda 350 cm³ 4-stroke engines are easy to start, thanks to the decompression system and PGM-IG programmed ignition. This ignition system precisely delivers the right amount of air/fuel mixture to the twin cylinders. The engine, even when cold, is able to deliver all the power required.
HONDA BF15DK2 SHU have an automatic decompression system that makes starting easier. This makes the engine easier to start in the initial pull in the case of manual starting and places much less strain on the battery in the case of electric starting.
During forward motion, the propeller is driven normally through the water, as with all marine engines. In the reverse direction, however, Honda engines make all the difference. This unique reverse exhaust system directs bubbles out of the propeller so it can "grip" the water. The result is immediate response and very precise control.
The lightweight HONDA BF15DK2 SHU outboard rises easily in five steps. Both the manual start and electric versions allow for raising and lowering, allowing you to adjust the boat's trim for maximum performance and fuel efficiency at all times. This also prevents damage to the propeller blades when the boat is close to rocks or shallow waters.
The HONDA BF15DK2 SHU engines have a reverse lever that allows you to shift gears with your fingertips. Everything is much easier to use and better positioned than other outboards even for left-handed people. Plus, the soft-grip, twist-lock throttle knob minimizes operating effort, increasing handling. You can throttle up and slow down as needed to navigate, or keep the control locked as cruise control.
HONDA BF15DK2 SHU foulboats are available with rudder and remote control options. The remote control option displays engine warning lights, oil pressure and overheating. It also generates an audible signal to get your attention in case anything happens while you're focusing on other activities. It's unlikely, but if there's a problem, you'll have time to act.
First, the aluminum housing is anodized using Honda's patented "double seal" process. Then a layer of epoxy primer is applied before the silver gloss paint. As additional UV protection, a clear resin is applied as a top coat. For added safety, a sacrificial anode is applied to all waterproof connectors.
Net Power (kW): 11.2
Net Power (Hp): 15
Displacement: 350 cm³
Shaft length: Long
Dry weight (Kg): 46.5
Starter: Electric / Manual
Ignition system: Electronic PGM-IG
Control type: Bar
Setup and engine lifting:Manual / Manual 5 positions
Transom height (mm): 433
Length (mm): 650
Width (mm): 350
Height (mm): 1110
Bore x stroke: 59 x 64 mm
Engine Brand: Honda
Engine Type: OHV, 4 stroke
Number of cylinders: 2
Speed at full throttle (rpm): 4500-5500
Cooling system: Water
Battery charge capacity (A): 6
Are you looking for an outboard with different technical characteristics? Here you can find the entire Honda range or other brands specializing in the field.
Images are indicative only.