Hourly production at 25°C: 675 Lt/h
Daily production at 25°C: 15000 Lt/day
Salinity of water produced: 300/400 PPM
Power consumption: 6 KW
Length: 1070 mm
Width: 650 mm
Height: 800 mm
Weight: 220 Kg
Hydraulic connession
Sea suction: 1''
Suction boxes: 1''
Discharge: 1''
Production: 1/2''
Watermaker Idromar MC15S, part of the MINI COMPACT series, is an excellent Watermaker with an hourly production of fresh water at 25°C equal to 675 litres/hour and a daily production at 25°C equal to 15000 litres/day.
The 4 models of the Senior series such as the Watermaker Idromar MC15S, while maintaining small size and low power consumption, are the answer and the immediate solution to a request for machines increasingly reliable, simple and capable of working at high rates.
The Watermaker of the Senior series, such as the Idromar MC15S, as well as the Junior series, can always be dismantled into several parts for easy maintenance and are completely adaptable to the available space. They are equipped with a complete and readable instrumentation and at the same time are extremely functional with alarm devices that intervene even in case of false operation.
The Watermaker Idromar MC15S provides a practical and reliable source of fresh water to boaters with high supply requirements. The Idromar MC15S Watermaker offers you absolute water independence for various diversions such as extended voyages, ocean crossings or fishing.
The Idromar MC15S Watermaker systems are small and efficient able to fit into the tightest of spaces due to their complete decomposability.
Technical features of the Watermaker Idromar MC15S:
Hourly production at 25°C: 675 Lt/h
Daily production at 25°C: 15000 Lt/day
Produced water salinity: 300/400 PPM
Power consumption: 6 KW
Length: 1070 mm
Width: 650 mm
Height: 800 mm
Weight: 220 Kg
Hydraulic connections
Sea suction: 1''
Caskets suction: 1''
Exhaust: 1''
Production: 1/2''
If you are looking for another watermaker similar to the Idromar MC15S then we recommend you browse our entire catalog dedicated to the nautical watermakers.
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