Hourly production at 25°C: 65 Lt/h
Daily production at 25°C: 1500 Lt/day
Salinity of water produced: 300/400 PPM
Power consumption: 1.5 KW
Length: 350 mm
Width: 350 mm
Height: 700 mm
Weight: 75 Kg
Hydraulic connession
Sea suction: 1/2''
Suction boxes: 1/2''
Discharge: 3/8''
Production: 3/8''
Watermaker Idromar MC1V part of the MINI COMPACT series is an excellent Watermaker with an hourly production of fresh water at 25°C of 65 liters/hour and a daily production at 25°C of 1500 liters/day.
The Watermaker Idromar MC1V is designed with high quality components with a simple operation.
With a fresh water production that varies from 65 to 180 lt/h, the Watermaker of the MINI COMPACT series are the Idromar proposal for medium-small boats (from 15 to 25 meters), where an intensive and continuous use is not always necessary.
The Watermaker of this range are compact, in a decomposable version, and share functionality, practicality and homogeneity of materials. One of the main features that the Idromar MC1V Watermaker has in common with other Watermaker in its range is the use of 316L stainless steel: from the smallest details such as screws, bolts and nuts, the entire frame, the vessels that contain the membranes and the high pressure pump head are made of stainless steel to eliminate the phenomenon of corrosion.
The Idromar MC1V Watermaker provides a practical and reliable source of fresh water for boaters with high supply requirements. The Watermaker Idromar MC1V offers you absolute independence from water for various diversions such as prolonged voyages, ocean crossings or fishing.
The continuous market demand has made the realization of the Watermaker strive with the design and development of the new Mini Compact Junior vertical version, same technical features, same ease of use but with an important difference in the measures.
Technical characteristics of the Watermaker Idromar MC1V:
Hourly production at 25°C: 65 Lt/h
Daily production at 25°C: 1500 Lt/h
Produced water salinity: 300/400 PPM
Absorbed power: 1. 5 KW
Length: 350 mm
Width: 350 mm
Height: 700 mm
Weight: 75 Kg
Hydraulic connections
Sea suction: 1/2''
Caskets suction: 1/2''
Exhaust: 3/8''
Outflow: 3/8''
If you are looking for another watermaker similar to the Idromar MC1V then we recommend that you browse our entire catalog dedicated to nautical watermakers.
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