Potenza: 11 KW - 15 HP
Aria resa: 1550 Lt/min - 93 m³/h - 55 cfm
Pressione: 10 bar - 145 psi
BSP: 3/4''
Pressione acustica: 68 dB(A)
Lunghezza: 700 mm
Larghezza: 1000 mm
Altezza: 1000 mm
Peso: 240 Kg
Introducing the FINI COMPRESSOR K-MAX 11-10, the pinnacle of advanced air compression technology. Designed for unparalleled efficiency and unmatched reliability, this compressor caters to both industrial applications and everyday needs. With the FINI COMPRESSOR K-MAX 11-10, you delve into a realm of precision and peak performance, ensuring your compressed air demands are impeccably met.