Capacity: 950 Litres
Tank diameter: 900 mm
Tank height: 1730 mm
Tank length: 1500 mm
Tank width: 2200 mm
Tank height: 335 mm
Certification: M.I.
Tank material: carbon steel sheet S 235 JR
Manhole: Ø 420 mm
Load: 3" brass M.I.-approved
Level indicator: pneumatic with signal dial
Load limiting valve at 90% M.I.-approved
1'' flameproof vent M.I.-approved
Tank DTO10-GE with a nominal capacity of 950l prepared for connection to generators or heating systems with M.I. homologation.
The DTO10-GE tank is equipped with a rectangular-shaped metal containment basin, made of carbon steel sheet, equipped with upper reinforcing edging, lifting eyebolts, grounding connections, reinforced bottom suitable for positioning the tank when fully loaded, bottom outlet with cap. Prepared for roof installation. The capacity of the containment tank is 110% of the capacity of the tank to avoid that in emergency situations or sudden breakage, the liquid is dispersed into the environment.
The 950L DTO10-GE tank is made of S 235 JR carbon steel sheet and is equipped with support saddles with anti-roll feet.
Capacity: 950L
Tank diameter: 900 mm
Tank height: 1730 mm
Tank length: 1500 mm
Tank width: 2200 mm
Tank height: 335 mm
Homologation: M.I.
Tank material: carbon steel sheet S 235 JR
Manhole: Ø 420 mm
Load: 3" brass M.I. approved
Level indicator: pneumatic with signal dial
Load limiting valve at 90% MI approved
1'' MI approved flame cutter vent
Are you looking for a tank with different technical characteristics? Here you can find the full range of brands specializing in the field.
The images are purely indicative.
Nulla facilisi. Sed sed sem non leo condimentum scelerisque. at lectus. Nulla facilisi. Phasellus facilisis lacus at nunc elementum, quis condimentum nibh dignissim. Duis tempor sapien nulla. Quisque lobortis egestas felis in consequat. Aliquam pellentesque massa vel posuere viverra. Integer urna leo, finibus sit amet lectus non, aliquam sagittis quam. Integer dui ipsum, Nunc consectetur, purus id sodales rutrum, diam purus interdum dolor, at gravida orci quam sed lectus. Curabitur pretium, nibh vitae malesuada venenatis, erat arcu hendrerit velit, quis consectetur est ac purus. Integer non velit nibh. Nullam sit amet mauris eu lorem mollis feugiat. tortor, convallis et mi eget, posuere imperdiet erat. Suspendisse eget venenatis diam.