Nominal voltage: 100/220/400 V at 50/60 Hz
Object length: 97 mm
Object width: 57 mm
Object height: 38 mm
Weight: 0.224 Kg
The Reactive Power Distributor 155 assures a control of DROOP or STATISM through a simple trimmer with a wide control range (from 0 to 10%).
The Reactive Distributor 155 can be easily connected to other devices via a 0÷5 V output. For example, it can be connected with an AVR, giving the possibility of making three or more different control combinations.
The device uses two voltage inputs and one current input, according to these values it varies the output, in order to obtain the desired reactive power by adjusting the trimmer.
The allocator performs the DROOP adjustment via a trimmer, which turned fully clockwise during testing will give the minimum possible result. While with a second trimmer it is possible to set the working window of the T.A.
Nominal voltage: 100/220/400 V at 50/60 Hz
Overall length: 97 mm
Overall width: 57 mm
Overall height: 38 mm
Weight: 0.224 Kg
Looking for a voltage regulator or reactive power allocator? Here you can find the area dedicated to the reactive power distributors and voltage regulators of specialized brands in the field.
Images and technical data are not binding and may be subject to revisions by the manufacturer.
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